Mitsubishi Compact PLC type: FX3S

The Mitsubishi FX3S series PLC provides full function PLC control, built-in high-speed inputs and outputs, available relay outputs, and multiple, built-in communication ports. Included in the FX3S are expansion options for communications, analog, and temperature control. As part of the FX3 series, the FX3S can use many of the existing programming resources that are available for other FX3 series PLCs. This ability greatly reduces time and costs for system set up.
The design of the FX3S PLC is aimed to handle basic control tasks, such as simple positioning or analog, and temperature control operations. The FX3S excels in small, standalone applications that don't require complex control tasks. The compact PLC is especially well suited for food and beverage applications, as well as material handling, and fan and pump applications for irrigation and building automation.

Beside the standard RS422 interface port for serial communication with 115.2 kbps, the FX3S can use a large range of expansion boards providing RS232, RS485 and RS422 communications options. These can be used to connect and control various third party products such as bar code readers or panel printers. A memory cassette to extend the integrated memory can additionally be connected.
On the left side of the PLC, special adapter for analog inputs, Ethernet and serial communication (compatible with MODBUS) can be easily connected. Further, a built-in USB port (MINI B) on the front panel permits convenient connection to any PC or laptop for high speed program uploads and downloads along with monitoring.

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